Andrews Mx

Motocross Track in Andrews, Andrews County (Texas) - United States

Unofficial information
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Open - Fees required
Vehicles Allowed
Dirt Bikes
To ride at the park you need a valid membership or you must pay day fees (Cash, debit or credit). Day fees are $25 for big bikes, $15 for mini bikes and women, $5 for 6 and under.
To ride at the park you need a valid membership or you must pay day fees. Day fees are $25 for adults and $15 for kids on mini bikes and women.
Opening Hours

Early Spring: March and April the park is open 7 days per week weather permitting.  Weekdays 4pm to dusk and weekends and holidays 10am to 6pm.

Regular Season: May 1 til October 31 the track is open: Tuesday, Wednesday Thursdays and Fridays: 4pm until dusk (9:45pm max).  Closed Mondays.  Weekends and Holidays : 10am-6pm

Last update from Andrews Mx
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